yeah yeah yeah, know, many other similar threads...
i’m not advocating returning x. i’m not saying other iphone overall better.
facts facts.
forgetting evil twins , other lookalikes, real problem touchid isn’t security. it’s speed.
face id slower , less convenient touch id. period dot.
since iphone 5s, i’ve trained myself pick iphone “thumb first”.
means historically, phone on it's way being unlocked, or so, time anywhere near face.
there 3 variables in unlock process... cleanliness/dryness of finger, cleanliness/dryness of home button itself, , kind of mood iphone in on given day.
yes, there rare occasions didn’t work unknown reason. vast majority of unlock attempts were, me, completed before @ phone.
face id great in theory. there apparently way more variables in unlock process.
angle of face. height , angle of phone. quality/angle of initial facial scans.
know have gone near instantaneous unlocks unsuccessful unlocks, happened touchid on small handful of instances.
have had far more unsuccessful or highly delayed unlock attempts in 3 days of x ownership did touchid on course of 4 years.
i’m not returning x, in hopes machine learning kick in , unlock process become reliable , instantaneous touchid. i’m not holding breath.
big takeaway here in general, touch id rendered phone ready use before ready use it, while faceid has me ready use phone before phone ready.
*edit* opinions expressed above, while factual me, not facts everyone.
not fact lol. pick phone thumb on button. seems bit awkward me tbh.
me opposite not fact better
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