iphone 8 on 11.1. these suggestion words above keyboard pop up, every once in while do, , can't figure out setting be?
under "siri & search" settings, have:
1) "suggestions in search" turned off
2) "suggestions in up" turned off
thing can think have "search & siri suggestions" turned on safari, based on description under that, "allow information safari appear in seach, up, , keyboard. siri may learn , make suggestions based on how use app," doesn't seem cause suggestions in safari keyboard?
or, "safari suggestions" setting under safari? setting on, this?
happens infrequently though it's hard test...and on note i'm not sure why pops infrequently, once every few weeks @ random.
it's related predictive feature of keyboard, off these suggestions can come in safari in ios 11--it seems there's bug somewhere in relation that.
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