sure. government's agencies vote let industries charge sunrise , sunset. there won't left worth taking time turmp leaves office unless courts can keep caseloads.
net neutrality issues going spend time in courtroom though, because of 2 issues: 1) detrimental impact on rural net users don't have broadband yet, since there relaxation of requirements roll out less populated areas , 2) anti-competitive behavior big service providers comcast own content providers.
content providers having pay isps more throughput consumer thing, , cost passed on consumers, , small providers can't play in league not throughput contributions of information, entertainment, etc vanish or bought out bigger players.
yeah, think fcc vote dismantle it. instance of republicans shooting in foot regarding voters' ill in future, sake of pleasing industry in short term. they've been salivating @ chance, though 60-40 puboilc comment went other way on it. public wants net neutrality preserved. see what's down road otherwise, , not favor consumer or free flow of information on internet.
gop doesn't care that. donors favor deregulation. that's repubilcan party, proudly reinstating robber baron culture of 1900s accommodate owners of modern networked communications sysems , content flows on networks.
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