seriously. iphone 5s getting terrible battery life after updating ota ios 11.1 ios 10.2.
i'm talking 3h 30m 4h of usage. battery go down 1% every 2-3 minutes. drain unreasonable amounts when phone locked , doing nothing.
after trying no avail restored ios 11.1 using itunes , set new iphone. wasn't expecting surprise battery life normal me on 10.2 , previous versions of ios: on 6 hours of usage same apps , settings always. that's 2 hour difference on ota update.
if having terrible battery life on ios 11, try restoring itunes. if still have bad battery life restore itunes , set new iphone (skip backup) redownload apps , setup settings before.
yes, know restoring via itunes pita might worth time if nothing else works resolve battery issues.
i did same thing mom’s 5s , battery performance has gone used be. , 1 other thing note, when had done ota update, phone getting unusually warm.
working pretty after restore.
recommend else having issues same
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