Removing the headphone jack was one of the best things Apple did - here's why

ever since ipods came out wondered why on earth people used them , iphones daps - let's face (and there's no polite way of saying this) sounded **** - 'nice' headphones.

around same time sony coming out digital walkmans a-class amplifiers , pretty nice dsp technology - , sounded amazing. couldn't life of me figure out why people opt sounded noticeably, worse, yet these people (using ipods) said 'loved' music.

anyway, fast forward today, , ditching headphone jack we're seeing more , more bluetooth sets - these not headphones. latest contain built in dsps, finally, bringing amazing sound iphone. @ last, happy use iphone dap.

i've paired x pair of sony h.700's - , it/they sound amazing. h.700's include of sony's best dsp tech - clearbass , 5 band eq renowned a-class amplifier walkmans.


removing headphone jack, in sense, offloaded sound tech of best in industry. , paid off, because much better sound quality.

happy thanksgiving tim!

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