
Showing posts from April, 2010

iCloud Music Library (Good news)

a few months ago started thread how icloud music library messing offline music collection. i'm happy report got work on 3 devices, keeping metadata , custom artwork (i use single covers classic songs have song , not album). please note these personal observations, success may vary , if value offline music collection make backup in case apple music messes up. said, these steps took. 1) enabled icloud music library on windows 10 desktop. 2) deleted duplicate songs. think helped metadata issues had before. 3) unified computer offline , icloud music collections either downloading or deleting stuff icloud music library not on computer. there still few icloud items not many. 4) saved icloud after changes. 5) enabled icloud music library on ipad. have 170 gigs of music on isn't primary music listening device. plus don't use iphone if had not use several hours resync isn't big deal. once went through "unification" process of m...

Issues with rentals

sometimes have issues playing rentals on atv 3 , have reboot unit work. else having problem? seems problem having atv 3.   try sign out of apple tv under "settings", "itunes store", restart apple tv, sign in, , check see if can play.   Forums Apple TV Apple TV and Home Theater iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

I think my logic board is faulty - power issues

hi. have managed purchase 2008 macbook pro £20, because has minor problems. feel failed logic board right? firstly there no working wifi, not seen anywhere, not in recovery. secondly , annoyingly. machine powers , runs perfect on mains , battery unless leave unplugged overnight. starts , runs on mains or battery every time , run on battery hours if leave overnight without charger plugged in, not turn on again unless remove ram , put in. when happens battery shows charge on side button , when turn machine on. run fine on battery , mains. in advance   that's why cost £20!   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desk...

Speck Presidio sport anyone ?

has used (speck presidio sport ) ? seen @ best buy looks pretty nice did not have black ins tick .   richxps said: ↑ has used (speck presidio sport ) ? seen @ best buy looks pretty nice did not have black ins tick . click expand... yeah it’s ok. far favorite. know?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone X pull out the phone from case feels like cracking it

i iphone x i'm pretty scared use bared, decided same case. idea swap case @ women swap bags got spigen ultra hybrid hard put on phone , impossible remove got spigen liquid crystal easier put on pull off phone iphone x don't know press pull case off put case on phone start prom left side , go right or top , push bottom when need remove phone case guess best place can push camera try push out case, starting corner move around of time feels i'm going crack glass in half noticed on iphone x case review don't show how pull phone out of case think better not switching cover much? apple silicon case hard or easy push , pull out?   the box spigen case came in shows sequence installing case, reverse sequence.. there plenty of reviews try , bend phone in half , not able crack screen, highly doubt apply enough force damage phone taking off case   ...

Battery Issue

hello using macbook late 2009 running os x 10.9.5. bought 2nd hand month ago. when bought noticed yesterday there came message of service battery. searched on internet , found there tricks remove performing smc reset , battery caliberation. done both things nothing happen. battery cycles 354 , max battery charge 4400 mah. kindly please.   that particular model not require calibration. likely, reason message displaying because service life has passed , battery needs replacing. if take apple store or apple authorized service provider, can run more detailed test examine specifics. there third party options users happy with.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Note...

Finder Recent Folder

is there way clear items in recents in finder   i believe click on apple menu, select recent items, , choose clear menu in submenu.   Forums Macs macOS macOS High Sierra (10.13) iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

imac won't boot after power outage

had brief power outage (almost instant off , right on). ever since, our imac won't boot beyond white screen folder (and plugged surge protector!). i've tried every method can find , can't - won't go recovery mode (and it's old, won't internet version either) - i've reset kinds of things - tried unplug, count 15 , plug in power button held down, cmd-r, option-cmd-r-p - nope. seriously, i've looked @ ton of things , tried them all. once, got mouse pointer - wow! never since, though. can hear trying boot never gets beyond white screen/folder stage. don't have (nothing!) can use restore os , can't tell os other "x" - it's hubby's mac , he's more clueless i. in 30 years working microsoft os i'm no slouch when comes tracking down solutions. but, time, give up. before make call apple, thought i'd try forum. may offer - sure hope there's haven't tried i'm not hopeful. ...

Why Is Facebook Draining My Battery?

i’ve noticed facebook draining battery though background refresh disabled. know why happening , how can fix it?   attached files: a"> 2459970c-327d-4087-8720-bc7d5ef056c5.png file size: 539.7 kb views: 111 89bd4915-7662-40a5-adc0-c4c3101aa703.jpeg file size: 58.2 kb views: 106 ghsnick said: ↑ i’ve noticed facebook draining battery though background refresh disabled. know why happening , how can fix it? click expand... they've used variety of dirty tricks in past keep running in background, playing silent audio, pretending voip app etc. 2 options: - - delete , use site instead (or don't use f...

Free ad-hoc virus scanner?

i used use malwarebytes have pay i'm after free virus scanner can run periodically when choose. don't having 1 running in background time. recommendations?   still free: have changed something, i'm not aware of?   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

High sierra RUBBISH !!!

high sierra rubbish !!! make game lagging !!! fix !   no j/k realize isn't apple's forum right? if having issues should talk game vendor first , apple.   Forums Archive Wasteland iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Apple HDMI cable with small connectors

have apple stopped making hdmi cables? there replacements small connectors apple ones? belkin have 2m 1 in apple store. need 4m. i've tried amazon basics connector big tight spot need it.   how this ?   Forums Macs Mac Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone X SIM-free version

any idea on when sim-free version of iphone x made available??????   end of november.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone X Camera review: Guatemala when scroll down , see comparison between x , 8+ display....prepare return 8+   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone X: Drop test from 5 ft at 60 MPH onto asphalt

dofus me left iphone x on roof of car after filling up. has el cheap ebay silicone case , spigen glass screen protector. drove approx 10 minutes gas station , traction silicone case kept on roof. accelerated 60 mph , off flew. heard thud when hit spoiler , saw blue object in rear view mirror. didn't realize iphone immediately, after few moments, patted pant pocket , ohh crap, 3 day old iphone x!!! made quick u-turn in middle of heavy traffic, parked, walked thru gridlocked traffic, , found laying face down on asphalt. glass screen protector ground thru @ corners, did job @ protecting phone. small scratches on 3 of 4 corners of glass.   attached files: a"> img_8344.jpg file size: 1.1 mb views: 452 img_8343.jpg ...

New Trump Hotel found

was looking @ list of properties (all in northern hemisphere), found listing. test - trump test hotel 123 not street anywhere, ny 00000 united states guess web master has same qualifications trump.   Forums Mac Community Politics, Religion, Social Issues iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone X with hotspot active

hi folks, i'm wondering if kind enough post screenshot of iphone x personal hotspot active, i'm interested see how looks on new display. thanks.   obviously notch doesn't show on screenshots. it's unobtrusive.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How to have gotten rid of the notch

put speaker , camera on top or on edge, or notch around whole screen it's not 1 notch. they'll next phone , act new idea. why i'm waiting next 1   no, notch makes iconic. easy other people see have iphone x, , distinctive when used in icons, etc... without notch looks every other android slab. edit: i'm not saying (i'm indifferent right now), it's distinctive.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Paid in full for AT&T iPhone X, is it unlocked and work on TMobile?

bought silver 256gb iphone x at&t. paid in full. friend on tmobile wants buy now, there issues? take sim out , can use on tmobile? keeping space grey iphone x instead.   did buy @ apple store? see 1 in stock, can’t buy because asks billing information.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Screen protector has bubbles is this normal

i have iphone 8. tried installing zagg glass + screen protector self , ended bubbles . went best buy , had tech there install 2 of them because both had problems around edges. 1 on there has air pockets around top , side of right side. screen protector on phone has no bubbles or air pockets. thinking of going apple store , have them install belkin 1 machine. suggestions   bump   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Accessories iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Series 3 LTE call volume

i answered call today on series 3 hermes lte , volume (on highest setting) seemed kind of low. in quiet room , hear call, not loud i’d imagined. have experience this?   yea low, siri, phone calls.. timer alarms. thing loud phone app dialer keyboard buttons!   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Toronto Eaton Centre -iPhone X

anyone planning line iphone x launch @ toronto eaton centre?   jonnyireland said: ↑ anyone planning line iphone x launch @ toronto eaton centre? click expand... possibly! i'm wondering if sherway gardens or fairview quieter options, stock might less @ locations.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone Launch Meetups iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

calendar 'cal' is not displaying correctly

hello have upgraded both mac book pro , mac book air yosemite high sierra. , noticed when open terminal , type in 'cal' command see calendar. highlighted date not displaying properly. instead looks surrounded these brackets $<2> 9$<2>. know how fix this? $ cal january 2018 su mo tu th fr sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $<2> 9$<2> 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31   ura718 said: ↑ hello have upgraded both mac book pro , mac book air yosemite high sierra. , noticed when open terminal , type in 'cal' command see calendar. highlighted date not displaying properly. instead looks surrounded these brackets $<2> 9$<2>. know how fix this? $ cal january 2018 su mo tu th fr sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $<2> 9$<2> 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2...

Issue with Macbook Pro (Late 2017) Display

hey everyone, i’m new macrumors , today started noticing odd mbp 15” (touch bar late 2016, radeon pro 560, 1tb). started showing strange horizontal pink artifacts every few seconds when barely using processor or gpu. when rebooting showing following (picture in attachments.). of know of problem? have found similar older mbps & imac’s   attached files: a"> 66a3c535-cb39-4f40-8f47-5da70a3fbc1f.jpeg file size: 2.2 mb views: 46 take in service , see apple says. it's still under warranty unless apple determines caused physical damage.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPh...

Mac mini not starting up

hi, wondering if can following. noticed update high sierra decided install on 2014 mac mini. decided install got stuck on installation process on hour no change , screen distorted had encountered problem decided restart it. when switch on comes following message ‘your computer restarted because of problem. press key or wait few seconds continue starting up’ apple logo shows following text (see attachment) repeats few times , switches off. have bluetooth keyboard attached think isn’t allowing me safe mode not sure how fix it. can help?   attached files: a"> 87cb10e1-c325-41cd-951b-3cd0fe840e67.jpeg file size: 2.1 mb views: 24 install macos again usb stick or via netinstall.   Forums ...

Does anybody remote into their mac from their iPad Pro to do work?

just curious. have ipad pro , thinking of doing ipad + imac @ home combo since prefer carry ipad when mobile , got lte on it. haven’t tried remoting in awhile, seems solution have ipad me , when need programming, remote imac @ home , way. else? how’s working ya?   i have used ipad control home computer run flash/other apps wouldn't work on ipad (not pro, earlier editions), not lengthy programming sessions, more general use, share thoughts anyway. first of all, if possible use external keyboard. use parallels access remote imac, , when using software keyboard block of screen have showing, , won't intelligently hide/show keyboard automatically of time. while showing/hiding keyboard manually works if necessary, pain point vs using external keyboard. other apps had issue. parallels access reformat remote app on mac best fit ipad screen. (there other options full desktop view , oth...

Other Could Apple have made a pop up saying it’s time to change the battery instead of slowing our iPhones

they’ve got talented engineers i’m sure   glad liked idea few min ago make thread on , yes... apple have avoided entire fiasco having pop-up ( like did ios 11.2 explaining wifi / bluetooth toggles in control center ) explains customers battery had degraded potentially lower battery life or cause shutdowns, , telling them turn on throttling option in settings menu or pay battery replacement. fact apple has been caught red-handed after fact, them giving vague statement no real information on matter, , them potentially having profit motive in of this... makes whole situation stink. it's aristobrat said in other thread , apple getting ready have "antennagate" media event explain , offer better solutions in future repair customer trust.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch ...

Trump will save up to $15 mil from GOP tax plan

oops . quote donald trump , 6 members of inner circle big winners of republicans’ vast tax overhaul, president benefiting tax cut of $15m year, research shows. president chalked first big legislative win on wednesday $1.5tn bill, sweeping revamp of tax code in 3 decades, slashing taxes corporations , wealthy , dealing heaviest blow yet obamacare. analysis leading washington thinktank, center american progress (cap), finds changes business rules save trump $11m $15m per year, while amendment estate tax – tax on transfer of estate of deceased person – potentially save heirs $4.5m. click expand... trump not one month ago : quote “this going cost me fortune, thing, believe me. not me. . . . think accountants going crazy right now.” — president trump, remarks on tax plan, st. charles, mo., nov. 29, 2017 click expand...   t...

ATT Business Plan - iPhone X Question

i have grandfathered unlimited business plan through att. looking various financing options available (through att , apples iup). seems though not eligible use either of these financing options , being pushed towards purchasing phone in full. can go down route, however, has been able use financing option while on att business plan??? insights great! thank you!   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Stream from panasonic camcorder into VLC

i trying put video feed on hc-vx980m vlc (or similar program) can display feed on external display connected macbook (i have 2017 macbook pro , have numerous usb-c adaptors). have ideas on how work? camera has wifi function , can access video feed on ios devices don't officially support other methods.   have tried quicktime's movie recording facility? it's in file menu. works minidv camcorder , isight camera, , don't have record picture on screen.   Forums Macs Mac Apps and Mac App Store iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

When will Apple fix the iTunes Home Sharing?

i can't ipad reliably play movies , tv shows in itunes library through home sharing. 'timed out' statement, or, if program starts play few seconds. seems if entire program needs download ipad before play - can't i've had patience try that...i 'request timed out". great system before 11.0...   home sharing has worked without problems on 3 apple tvs, 3rd, 4th , 4k. however, cannot remember last time worked on ipad , iphone. wondering if apple ever planning fix or if going have admit useless , remove feature.   Forums Apple TV Apple TV and Home Theater iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV...

Recently deleted photos album missing

after updated iphone 6 ios 9.3.5 ios 10.3.3, "recently deleted" photos album went missing , never came back, still case new iphone 8 running ios 11.1.1 (which restored backup of iphone 6). problem on iphone 6 seemed persist on new iphone 8 third party apps can't "see" photos, show blank page saying "no photos or videos", in privacy settings, these apps not shown have requested access photos, therefore don't see toggle allow access. ipad running 10.3.3 doesn't have of these problems. else having similar problems?   i believe updating ios 11.1.2 fix that. when got iphone x, whole icloud photos missing. when updated, came back.   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone ...

User and Groups lists a lot more user

hi everyone, hope can explain me recent finding in macos high sierra (10.13.1). in setting > user & groups (at least before updated 10.13.1) saw regular users knew had profile on imac. in current user&groups list see additional following users: - installer (only share) - mailman list server (only share) - mysql server (only share) - sshd privilege separation (only share) - unpriviliged user (only share) - guestuser (deactivated) did user came from? how can see , when users had been added imac? , services or app using them? mean never used mailman app , not know ever installed mysql-server on machine!! or hints welcomed cheers,   Forums Macs macOS macOS iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Co...

Chromebook Pixel LS

i got 2nd gen pixel ls week ago , thing incredible! has i7, 16 gigs ram , 64 gig ssd. have been using everyday computer since got it, overkill chromebook on earth imagine. here have 1 of these? on same level of build quality or better macbook/surface ect   congrats! indeed beastly chromebook! doesn't support android apps?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch Alternatives to iOS and iOS Devices iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How accurate is the estimate on

i have iphone x preordered , showing delivery date 24th 1st december. chances of being 24th rather first`?   i ordered mine on october 31 , arrived on november 15th, wasn’t scheduled arrive until between december 1-20th   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

iPhone X - Have any 12/01-12/08 shipments been bumped?

since 11/17-11/24 shipped or being prepared shipping, , there's huge crowd delivery date 12/01-12/08 (which dates order too), wanted start thread continue efforts done in thread "have 11/17-11/24 shipments been bumped?" provide comfort other users anxious receive iphone x. please post: - apple store (app or online) or through carrier - time of order and/or time of confirmation e-mail - payment method (pif = paid in full or iup = iphone upgrade program) - carrier - color (silver or space gray) - capacity (64gb or 256gb) other thread has helped me lot calm anxiety , understand how chaotic pre-order process working. --- post merged, nov 9, 2017 --- apple store app 10/27 4:05am pif t-mobile sg 64gb @ first got 12/11-12/18 on 11/3 got bumped 12/01-12/08. no other movement since then.   apple store app 10/27 - 3:30isham iup att silver 256gb got 12/11-...

iPad Tab Key Behavior

having small problem safari , tab key. have bluetooth barcode scanner , we'd send tab after barcode. happens tab inserted in text box, instead of going next field on web page. if plug usb keyboard ipad, exact same thing happens when hit tab key. safari , notes have problem, in adobe fill app , reminders app, tab key doesn't behave way. there way change behavior in safari, or system-wide?   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 11 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

NY City Apple stores showing all models available for pick-up as of 11:40pm Nov 9 on Apple store app

see thread tittle. --- post merged, nov 8, 2017 --- and gone. weird. wonder if sold out within minutes or error apple. wish had taken screenshot, sorry folks   i'm not seeing that.. example: looked @ silver sprint64gb , gray verizon.. same thing. 9 of stores within 4miles of me (like-- 12 closest stores me include of nyc stores)   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Any way to access Control Centre in landscape on the X?

any way access control centre in landscape on x?   yes, swipe down top right corner (at least works me in landscape mode in safari).   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Series 2 Saphire screen fell off overnight

series 2 sapphire screen fell off overnight. looks swollen battery.   attached files: a"> img_1347.jpeg file size: 1 mb views: 204 bourmakin said: ↑ series 2 sapphire screen fell off overnight. looks swollen battery. click expand... if swollen battery , apple confirms it, you're looking @ replacement apple watch.   Forums Apple Watch Apple Watch iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

How much can I get for a top spec 2016 15 inch?

i travel lot , got myself 2017 13 inch. should sell top spec 15 inch 2016 it’s 2.9ghz, 1tb drive , 460 graphics card , has apple care 26 months or so what’s going rate these? thanks!   check ebay sold items.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook Pro iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Restoring from 11.1 Encrypted Backup - Do I need to Upate Iphone X to 11.1 First?

if have 11.1 on 7+ still need update x 11.1 before restore encrypted itunes backup or itunes upgrade x 11.1 , restore @ same time? thought needed update x 11.1 first, article on fron page seems don't. "when restoring ios 11.1 backup onto iphone x, appears ios 11.1 update installed on device automatically."   i had update 11.1 first   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iPhone iPhone iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Siri not speaking on new series 3

for reason siri doesn’t make sound on nike series 3 watch need enable somewhere?   first siri talks @ 2 levels: quiet when raise talk , high level when press digital crown in , hold until siri responds. on apple watch series 3, can choose when siri speaks: on apple watch, tap settings > general > siri. choose option: on, control silent mode, or headphones only. if siri doesn't speak, apple watch needs download voice. download happens when you’re on wi-fi , apple watch charging. give download time complete, try charging apple watch overnight. check status of download on apple watch, tap settings > general > siri, scroll siri voice. if voice needs download, you'll see message: "siri speak same voice selected on iphone. waiting download. download occur when watch charging." dave   Forums ...

Do I have to use Photos? How do I

hi - purchased brand new imac replace 2010 model - until today have used iphoto photo storage , editing - did try photos when launched didnt layout , found harder find things, stuck iphoto. assume moving new model forced take plunge? have few questions: should use photos or there alternatives should consider? minimal editing have found photoshop etc me can i/should try import existing photos iphoto, or there way store these on external hard drive? 1 of things dont iphoto how hard find photo want without opening iphoto program... advice appreciated...   if used migration assistance import applications , settings, user profiles , docs old mac or time machine backup, iphotos app should on new mac. in finder, if right click iphotos library, , choose show package contents, file structure of iphotos library navigable, can find individual photos , open in preview, etc. best benefit of photo...

Keeping HDR mode on

i'd see hdr mode on @ times new ios in future, auto turns off after 10 minutes   if feature request, need raise apple...this forum   Forums iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch iOS iOS 11 iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Apple ID iCloud Desktop Computers Apple Music Professional Applications iPod iWork Apple TV iLife Wireless

Here's a dumb Q about MacBook abbreviations

i didn't see sticky anywhere lists macrumors' abbreviations refer to, i'm gonna ask... in discussions of various mac notebook discussions, i'm seeing things "rmb" (and others similar), can give me cliff notes on what's that? lol   the acronyms refer models of machines being talked about. isn't complete list here examples: rmb - retina macbook, aka macbook 12", r differentiate older macbook mbp - macbook pro in either 13" or 15" variants mba - macbook air have seen ntb , tb when referring mbp, ntb meaning no touch bar, , tb meaning has touch bar.   Forums Macs Notebooks MacBook iPhone Mac OS & System Software iPad Apple Watch Notebooks iTunes Appl...

Mindful Photography Ebook

howdy all, may or may not aware, have mindful photography service voluntarily offer various mental health groups around city called happy snappers. provide cameras , training in how use them, people experiencing mental health challenges in lives can escape couple of hours week situations engrossed in subject or theme weeks outing. quite few of participants have asked if put sort of handout refer in regards mindfulness aspects keep mentioning , assisting people experience. end result nearing end stages of editing ebook on subject of mindful photography. have come free excerpt version of it, covering mindfulness aspects, , available download. the final version of pdf can downloaded here . this first 40 pages same in both versions, paid version expands upon many ways of incorporating mindfulness photography practice, lots of suggestions , examples. looks full version on 400 pages in length. i'd love have feedback , thoughts on free offering if ...

Best Buy Doorbuster Event Day 18: Apple Watch Series 2 Stainless Steel Models Starting at $349

today marks 18th day of best buy's 20 days of doorbusters holiday shopping event, , brings $200 discount on original price of higher-end, stainless steel models of last year's apple watch series 2. while stainless steel cases occasionally marked down season, aluminum models tend heaviest discounts, best buy's sale prices opportunity who's been looking non-sport apple watch , doesn't mind owning previous generation device. ​ note: macrumors affiliate partner of these vendors. when click link , make purchase, may receive small payment, helps keep site running. models appear selling fast, requiring find nearby store stock since sold out online. full list of series 2 models on sale below: [*] 42mm stainless steel case , white sport band - $349.00, down $549.00 [*] 42mm space black stainless steel case , space black sport band - $349.00, down $549.00 [*] 38mm stainless steel case , milanese loop band - $399.00,...

Upgrade mid-2010 Mac Pro or wait for 2018 MP??

hello, i've got mid-2010 mac pro has been running great since bought it. lately i've started run storage issues , wondering peoples thoughts were. current setup is: 3.2ghz quad core 16gb ram startup disk 128gb ssd w/64gb free ati radeon hd 5770 1024mb superdrive (which still use) storage drives: 3tb w/360gb free, 2tb w/412gb free, 2tb w/1tb free timemachine drive: 3tb full thoughts revamp storage setup possibly 3 8tb or 10tb drives in raid5, , new larger startup ssd drive. 500gb ssd around $200-250 3qty- 10tb drives $929 pcie raid controller $80 around $1200 should able upgrade current system last 5-7 years long nothing else breaks. or limp along until next year , new mp , have add storage around $3000 computer , $1000 external raid storage. guys' thoughts? , in advance!!   why wait? ssd , hdd mentioned not cmp specific hardware. can use on current generation...